Social Intellect ReformationThe Brasseur Universal Code is a system of symbolic logic characters. Each of the symbolic logic characters has an inherent quality that allows the character to project a resonant harmonic energy field in base- two binary.
The effects of the resonant binary characters on the human mind
Looking at the display drawing of the sixty-four universal code characters can have an immediate and lasting effect on your intellect. Locked within the perimeter of the sixty-four universal code characters is the answer to every conceived question. More details on this subject will be given in future sessions.
How and why the symbolic characters cause an effect
The brain is conditioned to respond to the positions left and right of a horizontal line and the top centre and bottom of a vertical line. When the brain is informed of any of the nine positions the signal is converted to binary and stored at an address storage file. All of the characters of the universal code meet this basic requirement. The brain views the code as a simple on off switch device.When the sensors to the brain locate a bar position located on any of the universal code characters, the brain accepts the bar as an on command and directs the information to a storage address . All positions not having a bar at the universal code character position are regarded by the brain as being in the switch off and this information is sent to the same storage address as the on switch command. At the address storage file the on off signals are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to a binary base - two string.
Other observations
When the brain evaluates the universal code it determines that the code is an all-purpose reception device. The brain itself an all purpose reception device decides that it has no need for a new all purpose device and the brain reasons that the new device might someday take control and so decides to get rid of the new all purpose reception device. The brain is not designed to destroy information and so faced with the problem of getting rid of this potential intruder without destroying it the brain creates a unique new file. The brain deposits the universal code into the new file and deposits the new file completely out of the body and places the new file directly in contact with the outer skin. For more information about your new brain see the new May calendar.
© Oliver L. Brasseur (copyright 2018)
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